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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Old School

Been looking over my press the last day or two. One of the little gem features that I find intriguing is the counter. Click on these to get a closer view.

This little mechanical counter is just so, so analog - it's incredibly cool and such a refreshing contrast to the 'all digital - all the time', world we live in today. 1905 must have been a great time to be alive. It was pre-WWI, a young physicist named Albert Einstein presented his Special Theory of Relativity, President Teddy Roosevelt was inaugurated for a second term and published Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter.  Yes, wow!

1 comment:

  1. This whole thing just makes me smile. I am so happy you have found this 'lil/big old thing to enhance and I can tell it makes you so happy. And that makes me happy.
