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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Christmas in April

A couple boxes arrived in the mail this week from NA Graphics in Silverton, Colorado, purveyor of letterpress stuff. In it was California Wash (a mysterious concoction - that's a kinder/gentler solvent for things like my sensitive old ink rollers), my needed trucks for the rollers, two salvaged quoins and requisite quoin key, grippers and gripper feet (this is getting good isn't it), guide pins and a couple of STAR guides - which frankly I have no notion of how to use. Brushes for the motor are still 'in-transit' and there remain a couple other crucial, but backordered items. The process of 'gearing up' is slow indeed - this isn't stuff you go to Home Depot for. See photos below:

base locked up inside the chase with quoins and wooden furniture
nylon trucks on ink roller
STAR Gauges

1 comment:

  1. I know you are just LOVING this stuff. Can't wait to see how it all turns out!
